We can help !
Young people can't find jobs. Yet employers can't find people with the right entry-level skills. How can we close this gap?
India's first free and open, online IT training platform. We believe IT learning should be free and open, and here at Techno Flair Lab, it will remain that way for "swITch" Program. We believe learning and improving never stops. The technology changes at a rapid pace, and if we sit still, opportunities will pass us by. We should do our part to help others across the world.
It has been observed that more and more techo-graduates don't know what IT companies need. This is because of the lack of proper education that is being provided in technical colleges and as a result most tech graduates remain unemployed years after year or end up with non-technical jobs for survival.
The core of the Techno Flair Lab "swITch" program focuses on providing IT training to NON-IT professionals to help them switch their career track and move to IT industry with good skills. We provide trainings in a practical approach rather than relying completely on traditional lectures and all free of cost. Providing a good job to candidate is our main objective. -
Current 'Education vs Job' Scenario
According to a recent survey, Youth unemployment has been double or even triple the rate of general unemployment for the last 20 years. While businesses across globe insist they struggle to find young people with the skills they need. The journey from education to employment is a complicated one, and it is natural that there will be different routes. But too many young people are getting lost along the way.
Education to Employment!
By looking at this report, the first of its kind for McKinsey, we believe, however, that it is a good start in beginning to fill the knowledge gap and thus provides a useful road map for the future.